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Hello, I am Sophie Manégrier. I have been an Executive Coach, a Trainer, a Consultant and the founder of S'Coach since 2001.

Executive Coach, trainer, consultant and founder of S'Coach since 2001, I train people, team and companies in the management of individual and collective changes. All of it in French, Spanish, English and German !

My values are : humor, humanity, simplicity, efficiency, parity, openness, pleasure and the art of being serious in a playful manner !



À Propos

LE coaching selon s'coach.

Le coaching vous aide à trouver les ressources et à les mettre en œuvre, pour améliorer votre performance, votre potentiel et contribuer à votre développement.

« Poser les bonnes questions, pour que chacun trouve ses propres solutions » selon le principe de la maïeutique de Socrate, est une partie du travail réalisé par le coach. 

Cela passe notamment par l'assertivité, c'est-à-dire l'augmentation de l'affirmation de soi en harmonie avec les autres. Il est nécessaire de prendre conscience de l'image de soi, pour développer la confiance en soi.


Il s'adapte à chacun et vous aide à réfléchir pour que vous puissiez trouver la bonne réponse, à partir de là où vous en êtes et selon le point où vous souhaitez arriver.


Le coaching en entreprise intervient sur une échelle qui part de la thérapie vers le conseil, en passant par
4 niveaux (classification conçue par François Delivré) :

Coaching centré sur la personne dans sa version professionnelle.

Il consiste à aider la personne à développer son potentiel et à atteindre ses objectifs.

Par exemple : intégrer une nouvelle fonction, un nouveau métier, réorienter sa carrière, développer sa confiance en soi, optimiser des ressources personnelles ou se débarrasser de comportements inappropriés.

Ce type de coaching s’intéresse aux processus intrapsychiques, c’est à dire à la manière développée par le coaché pour utiliser les divers éléments de sa réalité pour réussir, stagner ou échouer.

Coaching centré sur la relation.

Il intervient lorsqu’il y a difficulté relationnelle du coaché avec une tierce personne ou avec l’environnement.

Ce type de coaching s’intéresse aux interactions du coaché avec son environnement et au processus relationnel, c’est à dire à la façon dont il gère ses relations professionnelles ; il s’attachera à voir quelle est la part du problème liée à la personnalité du coaché et/ou à la relation elle-même. 

coaching BY s'coach

Coaching help you find your resources and put them into work, to improve your performance, your potential, and to contribute to your development. 


“Asking the right questions, for everyone to find its own solutions” according to the principles of Socrates’s maieutic, is a part of the work performed by the coach.


It goes through assertiveness, in other words self-affirmation in harmony with the others. It is necessary to be aware of your own image in order to develop trust in yourself.


The executive coach adapts to each individual and help him reflect to find the right answer, from where he currently is to where he wants to end up being.


Coaching in businesses take action from therapy to counseling, going through 4 levels (classification elaborated by François Délivré).

Coaching focused on the individual in his professional self

Coaching focused on relationship

It consists on helping the individual to develop his potential and to reach his goals.


For example: joining a new position, a new job, redirect your career, develop trust in yourself, optimize your personal resources or get rid of inappropriate behaviors.


This kind of coaching takes interest in intrapsychic process, in other words the way the individual uses the different elements of his own reality to succeed, stagnate or fail.

It takes action when there is a relationship difficulty between the coachee and a third party or with is environment.


This kind of coaching takes interest in interactions between the coachee and his environment and in the relational process, that means the way he deals with his professional relationship ; the coach will take interest in understanding what part of the issue is related to the individual’s identity of the relationship itself.

Coaching of the Manager

This kind of coaching is necessary when the manager desire to be a better facilitator for his team. 


The coach will help to understand the phenomenon, group process and will accompany the coachee in the research of management solutions.


Coaching of the Executives

This kind of coaching is useful when the executive interrogate himself on the structure of his business, the future of his company, its strategy, its customers, its vision, its political capabilities, and his own leadership.


The coach helps to embodies and understand the executive responsibilities within the company thanks to an organization diagnostic.

S'Coach - Sophie Manégrier

"Asking the right questions, for everyone to find its own solutions."




"Thanks again, Sophie, for making the past two days so interesting and so much fun – I love your style! But most important I felt that I learned a lot and have come back to my office determined (for once!) to write up my notes so that I can refer back to them."


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