Sophie Manégrier
« My aspiration as a an executive coach ? To bring help and contribute to the development of individuals and companies through responsible, autonomous, and respectful relationships.
Stabilize relationships between :
the individuals
the individual and the company
the individual and the hierarchy
the individuals from different companies
I am convinced that the acceptation of differences, the will to do with others and not against each other’s, aid to reach flowing relationships, starting from an individual responsibility.
Working in a thoughtful and responsible manner, allowing collaboration, each and every one can contribute to improve the functioning of a company, and increase enthusiasm. This connect to the CSR : corporate social responsibility, which is a part of the new legal obligations.
Contribute to a company which works in a good atmosphere is a true collective adventure!
Essentially, this way of working allows to reach interdependence, a notion that interest me as a coach. Interdepence is one of the elements that constitute the last level of inner consciousness with the others which is : me and the others are OK.
This allows to find solutions instead of problems, which for me is the result of a good coaching! »